Patricia Esslinger, Groupware Facilitator
Examples of What Pat's
Electronic Meetings Have Done

Unit managers collectively planned for downsizing and restructuring, including identifying functions to cut or to reengineer to improve effectiveness.

Staff offices, including HR offices, collected and assessed customer input and used that input to plan service improvements.

Headquarters and regional managers developed mission, vision, and values statements, strategic plans, and tactical plans complete with tasks, measures, and milestones.

Inter-Departmental team developed criteria for deciding the type and number of law enforcement personnel to be placed at U.S. embassies abroad.

Federal agency personnel directors collectively developed models for Federal human resources management competencies.

Cross-functional and inter-agency teams developed business plans for multi-year reinvention labs.

Focus groups of employees at various levels collaboratively developed information on the knowledges and skills required by the main line occupations in the agency.

Scientists used an iterative Delphi process, gathering and analyzing expert opinions with groupware and web-based surveys, as a foresight method.

Law enforcement staff developed an inventory of both best practices used by district offices and innovative ideas from field participants.

Through mutual learning about new corporate biotech capabilities and technical/business needs, scientists and managers developed a first cut of a vision for what the new technology could mean for the corporation--a list of new capabilities, with some description, explanation of value, and indication of priority.

An agency-wide management group developed and built acceptance for a 5-year corporate recruitment strategy for key occupations to address major workforce gaps in critical skills and diversity as well as diminished success in recruiting from universities that were most prominent in the relevant fields of study.